The Creative Life

Jill Bronfman
Jill Bronfman placed second in the Joan Ramseyer Memorial Poetry Contest in 2020. Her work has been accepted for publication in the collection It Can’t Happen Here, the Iris Literary Journal, Sad Girls Club, Qwerty, New Plains Review, Inlandia, Rougarou, Ruminate Magazine, The Write Launch, The Decadent Review, The Halcyone, 82 Review, The Passed Note, Storgy, Verbal, Kallisto Gaia, Main Street Rag, High Desert, “The Very Edge,” a book of poems in English, Spanish, and French, Carcosa, Genre: Urban Arts, Ripples in Space, Mothers Always Write, Talking Writing, Coffin Bell Journal, Flock, Wanderlust Journal, and Quiet Lightening. She has performed her work in Poets in the Parks, The Basement Series, and LitQuake, and had her story about a middle-aged robot produced as a podcast.

Featured Work
Sweet Darling
Mothers Always Write
Feb 2020
There’s a bullet train leaving for Osaka
And you know it only stops in the station
Like a snapshot, then it’s a blur of a ride
And you will interview the train for a wonderful job
The job that I used to have
Of containing you.
“Not Barcelona”
May 2020
Enter La Basílica de la Sagrada Família
Past the glories of art and color and light
There is a tower
It is dark inside, and the path is difficult
Inside the tower
There is a stairway
It transports you to the heavens
Or, if you want to get closer yet to the divine,
To a landing, where, catching your breath
You see the Pigeon Maria
A Portal in Portixol
*82 Review
I have sunk deeper now into the tiny pebbles that looked like sand from a distance. Upon closer inspection they are not one substance but many. All of these people, all of this time they were here. It breaks my heart.
I had only to arrive. I had only to expose my skin. I had only to become salt, like them, like me.

"Adrienne Rich. I do not see her name on any of the threadbare spines. I wrote a 30-page thesis paper on her work in high school, when two pages was an eternity to spend in front of a typewriter and there were boys to pursue. I retyped pages and pages to correct my errors. I held the pages I had typed up to the light to compare them to her poems, to see if I had missed any words." Looking for Erica in the Rare Book Room Rancho la Puerta July 2020